
By default, LogChimp will deploy directly from the master branch of logchimp/logchimp. You can always create a custom Railway template to deploy the required LogChimp version.

There are many ways to install LogChimp. With Railway, you can get started with just a few easy steps. Click the button[^1], enter the environment variables, and hit deploy.

The first step is to deploy the LogChimp APIs, followed by the LogChimp Theme.


Clicking "Deploy on Railway" will automatically provision a PostgreSQL database and deploy a LogChimp backend for you.

Deploy on Railway

Enter the required environment variables and click Deploy.

NOTE: It is required to enter SMTP credentials to receive emails. Without them, LogChimp may not function properly.

LogChimp Railway template

Railway will automatically provision a PostgreSQL database and deploy the LogChimp API service for you.

Railway deploys LogChimp server


Now it's time to deploy the theme.

The theme is built as a generated SPA (single-page application), making it easier to deploy on any CDN (content delivery network).

  • AWS Cloudfront
  • Vercel
  • Netlify
  • Render

Just to name a few...

Here, we'll use Vercel as an example to deploy the theme. Feel free to choose any other option of your choice.

Go to Vercel dashboard and create a new project. Select the Git provider where you cloned the LogChimp repository using Railway.

Railway template repository details

Search with the same repository name used in Railway and click import.

Vercel repository list page

There is no requirement for any configuration. Vercel will automatically detect the framework presets and apply base configuration for deployment.

Vercel project configuration

But feel free to look around and tweak the configuration accordingly and hit Deploy.

Vercel theme deployment completed

The last step is to add an API rewrite for your client app in your source code by creating a new file vercel.json in the packages/theme directory.

  "rewrites": [
      "source": "/api/:path*",
      "destination": "https://<subdomain>.up.railway.app/api/:path*"


Replace the part of the destination URL https://<subdomain>.up.railway.app with the LogChimp API URL from Railway.

And there you go... 🚄

Your LogChimp site is ready to accept your customers' feedback with ease.

LogChimp live site preview


How to upload a custom Logo?

Currently, LogChimp doesn’t have integration with third-party services to upload images and only supports the filesystem. The default filesystem of Railway is ephemeral, meaning the data isn’t persisted across deploys and restarts.

The trick is to directly update the LogChimp site logo URL from the database. Upload your logo to any image hosting service (for example, AWS S3 bucket) and grab the image URL.

  1. Go to the PostgreSQL database > Data tab > click the "settings" database table Open settings database table from Railway UI

  2. Click on the first row in the "settings" table. That should open that row in edit mode. Paste the image URL you've copied and click the save button. Change logo URL from settings database table

[^1]: The above link contains a referral code which gives referral credits to @mittalyashu.