We understand that some users are going to want more flexibility, so the CLI has a whole set of flags and options that allow you to break down the steps and adjust what they do.

If you have any suggestions or find bugs 🐞, head over to the LogChimp CLI GitHub repository and let us know.


LogChimp CLI is an npm package that can be installed via either npm or yarn or pnpm.

npm install -g logchimp-cli

# or
yarn global add logchimp-cli

Useful options

There are some global flags you may find useful when using logchimp-cli.

# Output usage information for LogChimp CLI
logchimp --help, logchimp -h, logchimp help, logchimp [COMMAND] --help, logchimp help [COMMAND]

# Print LogChimp CLI version
logchimp version, logchimp --version, logchimp -V, logchimp -v